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Transformer bushings dimensional standardization - Part 2: High voltage bushings
20.99 WD approved for registration as CD
Transformer bushings dimensional standardization - Part 2: High voltage bushings.
30.20 CD study/ballot initiated
Lighting systems - Electro-mechanical interfaces - Part 1: Safety
40.60 Close of voting
Lighting systems - Electro-mechanical interfaces - Part 2-1: Four-pin ELV twist-lock interface Type ZB18
40.60 Close of voting
Interoperability and safety of dynamic wireless power transfer (WPT) for railways
20.99 WD approved for registration as CD
Floating photovoltaic power plants - Design guidelines and recommendations
20.99 WD approved for registration as CD
Railway applications - System energy efficiency
40.99 Full report circulated: DIS approved for registration as FDIS
Guidelines for measuring the threshold voltage (V<sub>T</sub>) of SiC MOSFETs
60.00 Standard under publication
Calibration of the prompt fission neutron logging tools
30.60 Close of voting/ comment period
200 MeV to 400 MeV superconducting proton cyclotron - General requirements and test methods
30.60 Close of voting/ comment period
<p>CDD Database - Circuit-breakers and similar equipment for household use</p>
40.60 Close of voting
Remote control and remote assist system in home and local area
50.00 Final text received or FDIS registered for formal approval
Test method for continuous-switching evaluation of gallium nitride power conversion devices
40.99 Full report circulated: DIS approved for registration as FDIS
Solar Trackers - Requirements for the protection of personnel
20.99 WD approved for registration as CD
Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) - Shipborne mobile station - Operational and performance requirements, methods of test and required test results
20.99 WD approved for registration as CD