Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
Phone: +355 4 222 62 55
E-mail: info@dps.gov.al
Address: Address: "Reshit Collaku" Str., (nearby ILDKPKI, VI floor), Po.Box 98, Tiranë - Albania


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Live working - Gloves of insulating material

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 114 more

Sleeves of insulating material for live working

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 6 more

Aerial devices with insulating boom used for live working exceeding 1 kV a.c.

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 39 more

Live working - Insulating aerial devices for mounting on a chassis

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 4 more

Live working - Electrical insulating matting

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 6 more

Live working - Electrical insulating blankets

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 6 more

Live working - Earthing or earthing and short-circuiting equipment using lances as short-circuiting device - Lance earthing

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 114 more

Rigid protective covers for live working on a.c. installations

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 6 more

Rigid protective covers for live working on a.c. installations

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 6 more

Live working - Portable equipment for earthing or earthing and short-circuiting

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 6 more

Electrical insulating materials - Methods of test for the hydrolytic stability - Part 2: Moulded thermosets

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 5 more

Live working - Insulating hollow tubes for electrical purposes

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 114 more

Live working - Saddles, stick clamps and their accessories

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 6 more

Live working - Voltage detectors - Part 1: Capacitive type to be used for voltages exceeding 1 kV AC

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 4 more

Live working - Voltage detectors - Part 2: Resistive type to be used for voltages of 1 kV to 36 kV a.c.

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 6 more

Live working - Voltage detectors - Part 2: Resistive type to be used for voltages of 1 kV to 36 kV a.c.

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 6 more

Live working - Voltage detectors - Part 3: Two-pole low-voltage type

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 6 more

Live working - Voltage detectors - Part 5: Voltage detecting systems (VDS)

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 6 more