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SSH EN 61057:2017

Live working - Insulating aerial devices for mounting on a chassis

Dec 26, 2018

General information

60.60     Aug 8, 2018



European Norm

13.260     29.260.99  




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IEC 61057:2017 is applicable to <i>insulating aerial devices</i> for mounting on a <i>chassis</i>, to be used for live working on electrical installations at nominal voltages above 1 000V r.m.s. AC in the range 45 Hz to 65 Hz and 1 500V DC. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1991 and IEC TS 61813:2000. This edition constitutes a technical revision.

This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:

a)   general review of the requirements and test provisions;

b)   preparation of the elements of evaluation of defects, and general application of IEC 61318:2007;

c)   distinguishes between tests for hollow booms and those for foam filled booms;

d)   references ISO 16368 for particular mechanical tests;

e)   further information on vacuum protection and leakage current monitoring and a mandatory requirement that aerial devices for bare hand work be fitted with a permanently installed lower test electrode system;

f)    <em>controls</em> of high electrical resistance;

g)   reference to SAE for insulating hydraulic hoses;

h)   inclusion of IEC TS 61813 for care, maintenance and in-service testing of aerial devices with insulating booms.

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SSH EN 61057:2017
60.60 Standard published
Aug 8, 2018

Related project

Adopted from EN 61057:2017

Adopted from IEC 61057 Ed. 2.0 b