20.00 10 shk 2025
ISO/TC 10/SC 1
International Standard
This part of the IEC 82079 series specifies requirements for preparing Digital Interactive Fault
Diagnosis Manual, which is a digitally organized technical document that employs an interactive
approach to guide users through the process of fault location and resolution, primarily serving
repairable industrial systems, devices, equipment, and industrial products.
This document extends the preparation principles of the Digital Interactive Fault Diagnosis Manual,
specifies its content and interactive function requirements, the preparation process, as well as
related information models and version management, enriching and supplementing the IEC 82079
This document applies to all stages of the manual preparation including planning, production,
delivery, and publication. It is applicable to a wide range of stakeholders involved in the preparation
of the manual, including suppliers, technical illustrators, professional translators, software
developers, and end-users.
IEC/AWI 82079-4
New project registered in TC/SC work programme
10 shk 2025