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ISO/PWI 11226

Ergonomics — Evaluation of static working postures

General information

00.00     21 gush 2024


ISO/TC 159/SC 3

International Standard


This International Standard establishes ergonomic recommendations for different work tasks. This standard provides
information to those involved in design, or redesign, of work, jobs and products who are familiar with the basic concepts
of ergonomics in general, and working postures in particular.
It specifies recommended limits for static working postures without any or only with minimal external force exertion,
while taking into account body angles and time aspects.
It is designed to provide guidance on the assessment of several task variables, allowing the health risks for the working
population to be evaluated.
It applies to the adult working population. The recommendations will give reasonable protection for nearly all healthy
adults. The recommendations concerning health risks and protection are mainly based on experimental studies regarding
the musculoskeletal load, discomfort/pain, and endurance/fatigue related to static working postures.

Life cycle


ISO 11226:2000

ISO 11226:2000/Cor 1:2006


ISO/PWI 11226
00.00 Proposal for new project received
21 gush 2024


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