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ISO/DTS 21192

Electronic fee collection — Support for traffic management

General information

50.20     30 gush 2024


ISO/TC 204

Technical Specification

35.240.60     03.220.20  




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This document identifies the architecture of a toll system environment in which a toll charger (TC) can act to support traffic management with the use of a tariff scheme.
The scope of this document defines:
— the architecture related to the scope;
— a standard framework and data flow model;
— an exchange of information between a TC and a road and traffic manager (RTM), e.g.:

— level of service (LOS);
— tariff scheme;
— data which is needed to support traffic management (vehicle probe and traffic flow data).

This document is a toolbox standard of application protocol data units (APDUs), which can be used for the assigned purpose. The detailed definitions of mandatory and optional elements in real implementation are outside the scope of this document. This document does not define communication stacks or timings.
Data types and associated coding related to the data elements described in Clause 6 are defined in Annex A, using the abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1) according to ISO/IEC 8824-1. This document allows the implementer to define suitable protocol procedures such as basic interaction, protocol mechanism, and choice of transfer protocol.

Life cycle


ISO/TS 21192:2019


ISO/DTS 21192
50.20 Proof sent to secretariat or FDIS ballot initiated: 8 weeks
30 gush 2024


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