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ISO/WD 25134

Vegetable and algae proteins used for food products — Specifications

General information

20.20     26 qer 2024



International Standard


This document applies to protein products intended for human foods, obtained from vegetables, algae, and micro-algae.
This document does not apply to any protein product from bacteria, fungi, yeasts and moulds, as well as to wheat gluten [5] and to proteins produced by biosynthetic pathway.
The raw materials (source materials) used to produce vegetable and algal proteins, as well as the compound foods that use protein products as ingredients do not fall within the scope of this document.
Moreover, this document does not apply to the labelling and to claims of foods intended directly to consumers.

Life cycle


ISO/WD 25134
20.20 Working draft (WD) study initiated
26 qer 2024


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