This document specifies the conditions for the determination of the distribution of strength and rupture strain of ceramic filaments within a multifilament tow at room temperature by performing a tensile test on a multifilament tow.
This document applies to dry tows of continuous ceramic filaments that are assumed to act freely and independently under loading and exhibit linear elastic behaviour up to failure. The outputs of this method are not to be mixed up with the strengths of embedded tows determined by using ISO 24046.
ISO 22459:2020
ISO 22459:2024
Standard published
15 gush 2024
Qeramika teknike (qeramika e avancuar, qeramika teknike e avancuar) - Përforcimi i qeramikës kompozite - Përcaktimi i shpërndarjes së forcës në tërheqje dhe tendosjes në tërheqje deri në këputjen e fijes brenda një filamenti me shumë fije, në temperaturë ambienti (ISO 22459:2020)
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