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ISO/TS 5354-2:2024

Molecular biomarkers — Detection of DNA in cotton used for textile production — Part 2: Overview of target sequences for use in polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based detection methods for cotton genetically modified (GM) events
19 pri 2024

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60.60     19 pri 2024


ISO/TC 34/SC 16

Technical Specification


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This document provides a list of target sequences that can be used to screen for the presence of genetically modified (GM) material in cotton and cotton products.
This document is applicable to cottonseed, cotton leaf, cotton fibre and cotton fibre-derived materials from which sufficiently high-quality PCR amplifiable DNA can be extracted.
Methods describing the extraction of DNA from different cotton samples can be found in ISO 5354-1[1].
NOTE 1        The list of target sequences provides guidance for the screening of all currently known GM cotton events and GM cotton events that contain the same DNA sequences. Further guidance on screening of foodstuffs is provided in CEN/TS 16707[2].
NOTE 2        Sampling is outside of the scope of this document. Information on sampling cotton products can be found in ISO 1130:1975[3] and in ASTM D1441-12[4].

Life cycle


IWA 32:2019


ISO/TS 5354-2:2024
60.60 Standard published
19 pri 2024


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