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ISO 22074-2:2021

Railway infrastructure — Rail fastening systems — Part 2: Test method for longitudinal rail restraint
15 mar 2021

General information

60.60     15 mar 2021


ISO/TC 269/SC 1

International Standard


anglisht   frëngjisht  



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This document specifies the laboratory test procedure to determine:
a) the maximum longitudinal force that can be applied to a rail, secured to a sleeper, bearer or element of ballastless track by a rail fastening assembly, without non-elastic displacement of the rail occurring, or the longitudinal stiffness at a specified longitudinal displacement of a specimen of embedded rail with an adhesive fastening system, and for any type of fastening;
b) the shear displacement and slip data required for track-bridge interaction calculations.

Life cycle


ISO 22074-2:2021
60.60 Standard published
15 mar 2021

National adoptions

Railway infrastructure - Rail fastening systems - Part 2: Test method for longitudinal rail restraint (ISO 22074-2:2021)

10.00 Proposal for new project registered

DPS/KT 256 më tepër