This document provides an evaluation method of the resistance of high-strength steels to hydrogen embrittlement (i.e. hydrogen delayed fracture) using slow strain rate test with hydrogen pre-charged specimens. The amount of hydrogen absorbed in the specimens is analysed quantitatively by thermal desorption analysis such as gas chromatography, mass spectrometry and so on. This document includes testing methods for either smooth or notched specimens.
It is applicable to ferritic base steels.
ISO 16573-2:2022
Standard published
28 shk 2022
Çeliku - Metoda e matjes për vlerësimin e rezistencës e sertësisë ndaj hidrogjenit të çeliqeve me qëndresë të lartë - Pjesa 2: Testi me shpejtësi deformimi të ulët
60.60 Standard published