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ISO/TS 10986:2021

Plastics piping systems — Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes — System design of above ground pipe and joint installations without end thrust
2 gush 2021

General information

90.20     15 korr 2024


ISO/TC 138/SC 6

Technical Specification





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This document addresses the system design of pipe and joints of above ground installations without end-thrust as specified in systems standard ISO 23856. It is directed to pipelines with a minimum stiffness of SN 5000 laid in a straight line between thrust blocks. It is based on the safety concepts described in ISO TS 20656-1, with consequence class 2 (CC2) as default. For other consequence classes, certain details specified in this document can need to be modified. This document is directed to double bell coupling. However, much of the information can be adapted and utilized for other flexible joints systems.
This document does not cover fittings nor detailled engineering work like thrust blocks, support and anchor designs.
As installation is not included in the scope of this document and to assist system design, Annex A provides a pressure testing and inspection procedure. However, to ensure the use of clearly defined field test data in system design, Annex A can be used normatively by agreement between purchaser and supplier. An example of recording above ground joint deflection data is given in Annex B.

Life cycle


ISO/TS 10986:2021
90.20 Standard under periodical review
15 korr 2024


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