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ISO 10362-1:2019

Cigarettes — Determination of water in total particulate matter from the mainstream smoke — Part 1: Gas-chromatographic method
19 korr 2019

General information

90.60     3 dhj 2024


ISO/TC 126

International Standard


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This document specifies a method for the gas-chromatographic determination of water in total particulate matter from the mainstream smoke. The smoking of cigarettes and collection of mainstream smoke are normally carried out in accordance with ISO 4387. However, the method of this document is also applicable to the determination of water in total particulate matter from the mainstream smoke obtained by non-standard smoking.
NOTE In countries not in a position to use the gas-chromatographic method, the determination of water in total particulate matter from the mainstream smoke is performed using the Karl Fischer method (see ISO 10362-2). In such cases, values obtained for water in total particulate matter from the mainstream smoke are used with the addition of a note made in the expression of the results.

Life cycle


ISO 10362-1:1999

ISO 10362-1:1999/Amd 1:2011


ISO 10362-1:2019
90.60 Close of review
3 dhj 2024

National adoptions

Cigare - Përcaktimi i ujit në grimcat totale të tymit të zakonshëm - Pjesa 1: Metoda kromatografike me gaz

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 275 më tepër