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ISO 22097:2023

Thermal insulation for buildings — Reflective insulation products — Determination of thermal performance
14 qer 2023

General information

60.60     14 qer 2023


ISO/TC 163/SC 3

International Standard


anglisht   frëngjisht  



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This document describes a set of procedures for using existing standardized CEN or ISO test and calculation methods to determine the thermal performance of reflective insulation products. This document supports and does not replace existing CEN or ISO test methods.
This document applies to any thermal insulation product that derives a proportion of its claimed thermal properties from the presence of one or more reflective or low emissivity surfaces together with any associated airspace(s). It does not replace the existing procedures for the determination of the thermal performance of products already covered by an existing harmonized product standard where the declared value of these products does not specifically include any claims attributable to the emissivity of the facing. It does not, and cannot, give an in-use or design value of thermal performance, but provides standardized information from which these can be determined.

Life cycle


ISO 22097:2023
60.60 Standard published
14 qer 2023

National adoptions

Izolimi termik për ndërtesa - Produkte izolimi reflektues - Përcaktimi i performancës termike të deklarua

40.20 DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks

DPS/KT 67 më tepër