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ISO/TR 17427-8:2015

Intelligent transport systems — Cooperative ITS — Part 8: Liability aspects
22 tet 2015

General information

60.60     22 tet 2015


ISO/TC 204

Technical Report

03.220.01     35.240.60  




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The scope of ISO/TR 17427-8:2015 is an informative document to identify potential critical liability issues that C-ITS service provision may introduce; to consider strategies for how to control, limit or mitigate such liability issues; and to give pointers, where appropriate, to standards deliverables existing that provide specifications for all or some of these aspects, and to limit the risk of exposure to the financial consequences of liability issues.
The objective of ISO/TR 17427-8:2015 is to raise awareness of and consideration of such issues. This Technical Report does not provide specifications for solutions of these issues.

Life cycle


ISO/TR 17427-8:2015
60.60 Standard published
22 tet 2015