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ISO 9697:2015

Water quality — Gross beta activity in non-saline water — Test method using thick source
2 pri 2015
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   2 nën 2018

General information

95.99     2 nën 2018


ISO/TC 147/SC 3

International Standard

13.060.60     13.280  

anglisht   frëngjisht  



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ISO 9697:2015 specifies a test method for the determination of gross beta activity concentration in non-saline waters. The method covers non-volatile radionuclides with maximum beta energies of approximately 0,3 MeV or higher. Measurement of low energy beta emitters (e.g. 3H, 228Ra, 210Pb, 14C, 35S, and 241Pu) and some gaseous or volatile radionuclides (e.g. radon and radioiodine) might not be included in the gross beta quantification using the test method described in ISO 9697:2015.
This test method is applicable to the analysis of raw and drinking waters. The range of application depends on the amount of total soluble salts in the water and on the performance characteristics (background count rate and counting efficiency) of the counter used. It is the laboratory's responsibility to ensure the suitability of this method for the water samples tested.

Life cycle


ISO 9697:2008


ISO 9697:2015
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
2 nën 2018


ISO 9697:2018

National adoptions

Cilësia e ujit - Aktiviteti bruto (i përgjithshëm) beta në ujëra jo të kripur - Metoda e provës duke përdorur burime të trasha

95.99 Withdrawal of Standard

DPS/KT 230 më tepër