ISO 18523-1:2016 specifies the formats to present schedule and condition of building, zone and space usage, which is to be referred to as input data of energy calculations for non-residential buildings.
The schedule and condition include schedules of occupancy, operation of technical building systems, ventilation rate, hot water usage and internal heat gains due to occupancy, lighting and equipment.
ISO 18523-1:2016 also gives categories of building, zone and space according to differentiating schedule and condition.
Depending on necessary minuteness of the energy calculation, different levels of schedule and condition from the view point of time and space averaging are specified.
The values and categories for the schedule and condition are given in annexes for more information for the application when the users of this document do not have detailed information on the values and categories for the schedule and condition.
The schedule and condition in this document is basically different from assumptions in order to determine the size of technical building systems in the process of design, where possible largest values are to be assumed. Instead, most usual and average values, which are assumed for the building energy calculation, are dealt with in this document.
ISO 18523-1:2016
Standard confirmed
1 pri 2022
Performanca e energjisë në ndërtesa - Plani dhe gjendja e ndërtimit, përdorimi i zonës dhe hapësirës për llogaritjen e energjisë - Pjesa 1: Ndërtesat jo-rezidenciale
60.60 Standard published