ISO 12951:2015 specifies four methods of test of textile floor coverings (with or without an underlay, see Clause 9) using the Lisson Tretrad machine.
- test A: determination of mass loss of textile floor coverings, also used to assess fibre bind of synthetic pile carpets;
- test B: determination of stair nosing appearance change of textile floor coverings;
- test C: determination of fibre bind on synthetic loop pile carpets;
- test D: determination of fibre bind (hairiness) on needled floor coverings and floor coverings without pile.
ISO 12951:1999
ISO 12951:2015
Withdrawal of Standard
29 maj 2020
ISO 12951:2020
Mbulesa tekstili për dysheme - Përcaktimi i humbjes së masës, lidhjes fibrore dhe ndryshimi i shkallës së pamjes duke përdorur aparatin Lisson Tetrad (ISO 12951:2015)
60.60 Standard published