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ISO/TR 17219:2013

Review of human smoking behaviour and recommendations for a new ISO standard for the machine smoking of cigarettes
16 sht 2013

General information

60.60     16 sht 2013


ISO/TC 126

Technical Report


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ISO/TR 17219:2013 was prepared by an ad hoc Smoking Behaviour Review Team to address the following terms of reference:
a) to review worldwide human smoking behaviour documentation, uptake studies and smoking methods;
b) to report maximum and minimum values for puff volume, puff duration, puff frequency, ventilation blocking, butt lengths and other parameters;
c) to recommend one or more sets of parameters for potential new practical machine smoking regimes in addition to the existing ISO standard (ISO 3308);
d) to identify gaps in existing knowledge.

Life cycle


ISO/TR 17219:2013
60.60 Standard published
16 sht 2013

National adoptions

Shqyrtimi i sjelljes njerëzore të pirjes së duhanit dhe rekomandimet për një standard të ri ISO për makinën e pirjes së cigareve

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 275 më tepër