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ISO/TS 17187:2013

Intelligent transport systems — Electronic information exchange to facilitate the movement of freight and its intermodal transfer — Governance rules to sustain electronic information exchange methods
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   6 dhj 2019

General information

95.99     6 dhj 2019


ISO/TC 204

Technical Specification

03.220.01     35.240.60  


ISO/TS 17187:2013 provides governance rules to be used for executing an organized process for business entities to connect to one another electronically for the conduct of electronic trade in a secure and open environment through a standardized framework for information exchange. This standardized framework includes the processes and process tools that will ease connections between trading partners, provide full visibility, and reduce the time goods spend in transit. Additionally, the application of these rules and attendant standards and technology applications are expected to allow business entities to engage their legacy systems without the cost of upgrades.

Life cycle


ISO/TS 17187:2013
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
6 dhj 2019


ISO/TS 17187:2019


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