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ISO/TR 12930:2014

Seismic design examples based on ISO 23469
19 mar 2014

General information

60.60     19 mar 2014


ISO/TC 98/SC 3

Technical Report

93.020     91.080.01  




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ISO/TR 12930:2014 provides seismic design examples for geotechnical works based on ISO 23469:2005 in order to demonstrate how to use this ISO standard. The design examples are intended to provide guidance to experienced practicing engineers and code writers. Geotechnical works include buried structures (e.g. buried tunnels, box culverts, pipelines, and underground storage facilities), foundations (e.g. shallow and deep foundations, and underground diaphragm walls), retaining walls (e.g. soil retaining and quay walls), pile-supported wharves and piers, earth structures (e.g. earth and rock fill dams and embankments), gravity dams, tanks, landfill and waste sites.

Life cycle


ISO/TR 12930:2014
60.60 Standard published
19 mar 2014