ISO/TS 13399-100:2008 defines the principles and methods for creating unambiguous identifications and definitions of the items and their properties relating to cutting tools in computer-sensible dictionaries to be used for reference by the information model defined in ISO 13399-1.
It is applicable to:
the specification of data element types, their identifying, semantic and value attributes;
the specification of item classes, their identifying and semantic attributes;
the specification of feature classes, their identifying and semantic attributes.
It is not applicable to:
information model for cutting tools;
classifications and definitions of items and data element types relating to cutting tools;
the association between properties and items in a classification.
ISO/TS 13399-100:2004
ISO/TS 13399-100:2008
Standard confirmed
4 sht 2023
ISO/TS 13399-100:2008/Cor 1:2011
ISO/NP TS 13399-100