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ISO/TS 16976-1:2007

Respiratory protective devices — Human factors — Part 1: Metabolic rates and respiratory flow rates
22 tet 2007
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   25 nën 2015

General information

95.99     25 nën 2015


ISO/TC 94/SC 15

Technical Specification


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ISO/TS 16976-1:2007 is part of a series that provides information on factors related to human anthropometry, physiology, ergonomics and performance, for the preparation of standards for performance requirements, testing and use of respiratory protective devices. ISO/TS 16976-1:2007 contains information related to respiratory and metabolic responses to rest and work at various intensities. Information is provided for:

metabolic rates associated with various intensities of work;
oxygen consumption as a function of metabolic rate and minute ventilation for persons representing three body sizes;
peak inspiratory flow rates during conditions of speech and no speech for persons representing three body sizes as a function of metabolic rates.

The information contained within ISO/TS 16976-1:2007 represents data for healthy adult men and women of approximately 30 years of age, but is applicable for the age range of the general population.

Life cycle


ISO/TS 16976-1:2007
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
25 nën 2015


ISO/TS 16976-1:2015