ISO 1833-15:2006 specifies a method, by determining the nitrogen content, to calculate the proportion of each component, after the removal of non-fibrous matter, in textiles made of binary mixtures of jute and animal fibres.
The animal-fibre component may consist solely of hair or wool, or of any mixtures of the two.
ISO 1833-15:2006 is not applicable to products in which dyestuffs or finishes contain nitrogen.
ISO 1833:1977
ISO 1833-15:2006
Withdrawal of Standard
6 nën 2019
ISO 1833-15:2019
Tekstile - Analizat kimike sasiore - Pjesa 15: Përzjerjet e fibrave të jutës dhe disa fibrave nga kafshët (metoda për përcaktimin e përmbajtjes së azotit)
60.60 Standard published