ISO 11783 as a whole specifies a serial data network for control and communications on forestry or agricultural tractors and mounted, semi‑mounted, towed or self-propelled implements. Its purpose is to standardize the method and format of transfer of data between sensors, actuators, control elements and information-storage and information-display units, whether mounted on, or part of, the tractor or implement. ISO 11783-12:2009 describes the diagnostic system of a serial data network.
ISO 11783-12:2009
Withdrawal of Standard
9 sht 2014
ISO 11783-12:2014
Traktorë dhe makineri për bujqësi dhe pylltari - Kontrolli serial dhe rrjeti i të dhënave të komunikimeve - Pjesa 12: Shërbimet diagnostikuese
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard