ISO 14817:2002 specifies the framework, formats, and procedures used to define information exchanges within the Intelligent Transport System/Transport Information and Control Systems (ITS/TICS) sector. It defines the content of the ITS/TICS central Data Registry and Data Dictionaries, the registration process to enter data concepts into the Data Registry. Throughout the text, the Data Registry should be taken to mean the ITS/TICS central Data Registry.
Specifically, ISO 14817:2002 specifies:
framework used to identify and define all information exchanges; framework used to extend standardized information exchanges to support local customizations and combinations;information modelling method for defining ITS/TICS data concepts, when used; meta attributes used to describe, standardize and manage each of the data concepts defined within this framework;requirements used to record these definitions; and formal procedures used to register these definitions within the Data Registry.
The Data Registry described herein supports, and is designed to include, data concepts using alternative International, Regional or National System Architecture methodologies or techniques. A common Data Registry will ease migration and interoperability between such approaches.
ISO 14817:2002
Withdrawal of Standard
19 tet 2015