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ISO 15226:1999

Technical product documentation — Life cycle model and allocation of documents
1 pri 1999

General information

90.93     17 maj 2021


ISO/TC 10/SC 1

International Standard


anglisht   frëngjisht  



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This International Standard gives a method of establishing a flexible life cycle model and gives guidance on efficient
and easy-to-understand handling technical documents during the product life cycle. The product life cycle takes
different company-specific requirements into account, in accordance with project management techniques. For
general use in connection with non-company-specific requirements, procedures, processes and products, it may be
necessary to establish a standardized life-cycle model with defined phases.
This International Standard is intended for use in companies, bodies of authority and other organizations who deal
with manufactured products, with the compilation and use of technical documents during the product life cycle. It is
not applicable either to services or software.
This International Standard is intended to be an aid in controlling and coordinating documents, in accordance with
ISO 9001, ISO 9002, and ISO 9003.

Life cycle


ISO 15226:1999
90.93 Standard confirmed
17 maj 2021