The principle of the method specified is heating a weighed quantity of homogenized sample in a clean platinum basin, removing the combustible material by burning, finally removing the carbon by heating, fusing the residue with a dilithium tetraborate/lithium fluoride flux, digesting the fused mixture in a solution of tartaric acid and hydrochloric acid, dilution to volume with water, measuring the solution by ICPES or AAS. The method is applicable for concentrations between 5 mg/kg and 150 mg/kg for aluminium and 10 mg/kg and 250 mg/kg for silicon.
ISO 10478:1994
Standard confirmed
20 maj 2021
Produktet e naftes - Percaktimi i aluminit dhe silicit ne lendet djegese te naftes - Metoda spektroskopike e absorbimit atomik dhe emetimit induktiv te shoqeruar me plazem
60.60 Standard published