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IEC 60076-19-1:2023 ED1

Power transformers - Part 19 - 1: Rules for the determination of uncertainties in the measurement of the losses of power transformers
23 maj 2023

General information

60.60     23 maj 2023


TC 14

International Standard


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IEC 60076-19-1:2023 defines the procedures that are applied to evaluate the uncertainty affecting the measurements of no-load and load losses during the routine tests on power transformers.
This document centres on measuring systems utilizing digital instruments, although the procedures can be adapted to evaluation of systems with analogue instruments where further uncertainty sources have to be taken into account.
This document specifies how to determine measurement uncertainty and how to apply corrections for known errors in the measurement chain. Information vis-à-vis judgement and traceability are given in IEC 60076-8:1997, 10.1 and 10.2.

Life cycle


IEC 60076-19-1:2023 ED1
60.60 Standard published
23 maj 2023

National adoptions

Transformatorë të fuqisë - Pjesa 19: Rregulla për përcaktimin e pasigurive në matjen e humbjeve në transformatorët e fuqisë dhe reaktorëve

40.20 DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks

DPS/KT 4 më tepër