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IEC/IEEE 60214-2:2019 ED2

Tap-changers - Part 2: Application guidelines
14 qer 2019

General information

60.60     14 qer 2019


TC 14

International Standard





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IEC/IEEE 60214-2:2019 is published as an IEC/IEEE Dual Logo standard and is intended to assist in the selection of tap-changers designed in accordance with IEC 60214-1 or IEEE Std C57.131 for use in conjunction with the tapped windings of transformers or reactors. Requirements, references and definitions relevant to either IEC 60214-1 or IEEE Std C57.131 are given and their use is described in Clause 4. It is also intended to assist in understanding the various types of tap-changers and their associated equipment available. These application guidelines cover on-load tap-changers (resistor and reactor types) and de-energized tap-changers. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2004. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) title has been updated from "Application guide" to "Application guidelines";
b) tap-changers for gas-filled transformers have been added;
c) description of typical circuits for regulation has been added;
d) description of basic arrangements of tapped windings with on-load tap-changers and de-energized tap-changers has been added;
e) types of tap-changers are explained in more detail (e.g. vacuum type on-load tap-changer) and new types have been added (e.g. step-voltage regulator, advance retard switch (ARS), on-load tap-changers for distribution transformers);
f) selection of tap-changers (on-load and de-energized) are described in more detail with respect to applications and parameters, which have to be considered (e.g. current wave shapes, operating pressure, temperature conditions, overloading conditions, continuous consecutive operations);
g) storage and installation has been considered;
h) field service, including commissioning, operation, maintenance and monitoring, has been considered;
i) safety aspects have been updated.
Keywords: tap-changers

Life cycle


IEC 60214-2:2004 ED1


IEC/IEEE 60214-2:2019 ED2
60.60 Standard published
14 qer 2019