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IEC 62264-3:2016 ED2

Enterprise-control system integration - Part 3: Activity models of manufacturing operations management
16 dhj 2016

General information

60.60     16 dhj 2016


TC 65/SC 65E

International Standard

25.040.40     35.240.50  

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IEC 62264-3:2016 defines activity models of manufacturing operations management that enable enterprise system to control system integration. The activities defined in this document are consistent with the object models definitions given in IEC 62264-1. The modelled activities operate between business planning and logistics functions, defined as the Level 4 functions and the process control functions, defined as the Level 2 functions of IEC 62264-1. IEC 62264-3:2016 defines activity models of manufacturing operations management that enable enterprise system to control system integration. The activities defined in this document are consistent with the object models definitions given in IEC 62264-1. The modelled activities operate between business planning and logistics functions, defined as the Level 4 functions and the process control functions, defined as the Level 2 functions of IEC 62264-1. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2007. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) 4.1 Manufacturing Operations Management was moved to Part 1 and therefore was removed from Part 3;
b) 4.2 Functional hierarchy was moved to Part 1 and therefore was removed from Part 3;
c) 4.4 Criterion for defining activities below Level 4 was moved to Part 1 and therefore was removed from Part 3;
d) 4.5 Categories of production information was moved to Part 1 and therefore was removed from Part 3;
e) 4.6 Manufacturing operations information was moved to Part 1 and therefore was removed from Part 3;
f) 5.3 Expanded equipment hierarchy model was moved to Part 1 and therefore was removed from Part 3;
g) 5.4 Expanded decision hierarchy model was removed from Part 3. The corresponding section was removed from Part 1 and replaced with a reference to ISO 15704;
h) Annex A (informative) Other enterprise activities affecting manufacturing operations was moved to Part 1 and therefore was removed from Part 3;
i) Annex D (informative) Associated standards was moved to Part 1 and therefore was removed from Part 3;
j) Annex F (informative) Applying the decision hierarchy model to manufacturing operations management was removed from Part 3. The corresponding section was removed from Part 1 and replaced with a reference to ISO 15704;
k) Annex G (informative) Mapping PSLX ontology to manufacturing operations management was removed from Part 3. The committee felt that this section is more appropriate as a PSLX white paper or TR.
The names for data were changed to match the Part 4 standard names. These name changes were made in all figures and in the text.

Life cycle


IEC 62264-3:2007 ED1


IEC 62264-3:2016 ED2
60.60 Standard published
16 dhj 2016