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IEC TS 62257-8-1:2018 ED2

Recommendations for renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural electrification - Part 8-1: Selection of batteries and battery management systems for stand-alone electrification systems - Specific case of automotive flooded lead-acid batteries available in developing countries
27 shk 2018

General information

60.60     27 shk 2018


TC 82

Technical Specification





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IEC TS 62257-8-1:2018(E) proposes simple, cheap, comparative tests in order to discriminate easily, in a panel of automotive flooded lead-acid batteries, the most acceptable model for PV individual electrification systems. It could be particularly useful for project implementers to test in laboratories of developing countries, the capability of locally made car or truck batteries to be used for their project. The tests provided in this document allow assessment of the batteries' performances according to the general specification of the project (see IEC TS 62257-2) and batteries associated with their battery management system (BMS) in a short time and with common technical means. They can be performed locally, as close as possible to the operating conditions of the real site. The document provides also regulations and installation conditions to be complied with in order to ensure the life and proper operation of the installations as well as the safety of people living in proximity to the installation. This new edition includes the following significant technical change with respect to the previous edition: increase of the applicable voltage levels and removal of the 100 kW power limit.

Life cycle


IEC TS 62257-8-1:2007 ED1


IEC TS 62257-8-1:2018 ED2
60.60 Standard published
27 shk 2018


IEC TS 62257-341 ED1

National adoptions

Rekomandime për energjinë e rinovueshme dhe sistemet hibride për elektrifikimin rural - Pjesa 8-1: Përzgjedhja e baterive dhe sistemeve të menaxhimit të baterive për sistemet e pavarura të elektrifikimit - Rasti specifik i bateriveme elektroda plumbi të zhytura në solucion acidi për automjetet të disponueshme në vendet në zhvillim

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 6 më tepër


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