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IEC TS 60839-7-8:2019 ED1

Alarm systems - Part 7-8: Message formats and protocols for serial data interfaces in alarm transmission systems - Requirements for common protocol for alarm transmission using the Internet protocol
24 maj 2019

General information

60.60     24 maj 2019


TC 79

Technical Specification





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IEC 60839-7-8:2019 specifies a protocol for point-to-point transmission of alarms and faults, as well as communications monitoring, between a supervised premises transceiver and a receiving centre transceiver using the Internet protocol (IP).
The protocol is intended for use over any network that supports the transmission of IP data. These include Ethernet, xDSL, GPRS, WiFi, UMTS and WIMAX.
The system performance characteristics for alarm transmission are specified in IEC 60839‑5‑1.
The performance characteristics of the supervised premises equipment comply with the requirements of its associated alarm system standard and apply for transmission of all types of alarms including, but not limited to, fire, intrusion, access control and social alarms.

Life cycle


IEC TS 60839-7-8:2019 ED1
60.60 Standard published
24 maj 2019

National adoptions

Sisteme alarmi - Pjesa 7-8: Formatet dhe protokollet e mesazhit për ndërfaqet e të dhënave seriale në sistemet e transmetimit të alarmit - Kërkesat për protokollin e zakonshëm për transmetimin e alarmit duke përdorur protokoll interneti

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 6 më tepër


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