IEC/TS 62257-1:2013 introduces a methodology for implementing rural electrification using small autonomous hybrid renewable energy systems. It also provides a guide for facilitating the reading and the use of the IEC 62257 series for setting up decentralized rural electrification in developing countries or in developed countries the only difference being the level of quality of service and the needed quantity of energy that the customer can afford. The main changes with respect to the previous edition are as follows:
- addition of a map and an up to date list of the current IEC 62257 series and a guide "how to use the IEC 62257 series" in order to implement a rural electrification project or a stand-alone hybrid system for a remote place in a developed country;
- addition of a list of all the terms and definitions used in the series.
This publication is to be read in conjunction with the IEC 62257 series.
IEC TS 62257-1:2003 ED1
IEC TS 62257-1:2013 ED2
Withdrawal effective
9 tet 2015
IEC TS 62257-1:2015 ED3