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IEC TR 62350:2006 ED1

Guidance for the correct use of residual current-operated protective devices (RCDs) for household and similar use
14 dhj 2006

General information

60.60     14 dhj 2006


TC 23/SC 23E

Technical Report


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This technical report provides an overview of protection availability provided by residual current-operated protective devices (RCDs) complying with IEC standards for household and similar uses. It highlights the main parameters influencing protection reliability and provides information on how to install and operate RCDs in relationship to their environmental conditions after installation.

Life cycle


IEC TR 62350:2006 ED1
60.60 Standard published
14 dhj 2006

National adoptions

Udhëzues për përdorimin korrekt të pajisjeve mbrojtëse që punojnë me rryma mbetëse (RCDs) për përdorim shtëpiak dhe të ngjashëm me të

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 4 më tepër