Describes considerations for the measurement of hysteretic loss in Cu/Nb-Ti multifilamentary composites using DC- or low-ramp-rate magnetometry.
Focuses on the measurement of hysteretic loss in multifilamentary Cu/Nb-Ti composite conductors. Measurements are assumed to be on round wires with temperatures at or near 4,2 K. DC or low-ramp-rate magnetometry will be performed using either a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID magnetometer) or a vibrating-sample magnetometer (VSM). In case differences between the calibrated magnetometer results are noted, the VSM results, extrapolated to zero ramp rate, will be taken as definitive.
IEC 61788-13:2003 ED1
Withdrawal effective
25 korr 2012
IEC 61788-13:2012 ED2