This part of IEC 61643 is applicable to devices for surge protection against indirect and direct effects of lightning or other transient overvoltages. These devices are packaged to be connected to 50/60 Hz a.c. and d.c. power circuits, and equipment rated up to 1 000 V r.m.s. or 1 500 V d.c. Performance characteristics, standard methods for testing, and ratings are established for these devices that contain at least one nonlinear component that is intended to limit surge voltages and divert surge currents.
IEC 61643-1:1998 ED1
IEC 61643-1:1998/AMD1:2001 ED1
IEC 61643-1:1998/COR1:1998 ED1
IEC 61643-1:1998/AMD1:2001/COR1:2001 ED1
IEC 61643-1:2005 ED2
Withdrawal effective
9 mar 2011
Pajisje të tensionit të ulët për mbrojtje nga vala goditëse - Pjesa 1: Pajisje për mbrojtje nga vala goditëse të lidhura me sistemet e shpërndarjes së energjisë në tension të ulet
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard