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IEC 60300-1:2024 ED4

Dependability management - Part 1: Managing dependability
11 qer 2024

General information

60.60     11 qer 2024


TC 56

International Standard

03.100.40     03.120.01     21.020  

anglisht   frëngjisht  



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IEC 60300-1:2024 provides guidance on:
- the meaning and significance of dependability from a business, technical and financial perspective;
- achieving dependability through suitable adaptation of organizational management systems such as those described in ISO 9001 (quality management) and ISO 55001 (asset management);
- the activities that are integrated into management systems and life cycle processes in order to achieve dependable systems, products and services;
- planning and implementing dependability activities throughout the life cycle to achieve and assure required outcomes, taking into account factors such as costs, safety, the environment, customer goodwill, brand and reputation.
This document is applicable to any type of system, both new and existing, to mass produced industrial or consumer products, to components and to services. This document addresses all elements of systems, products and services including hardware, software, data, processes, procedures, facilities, materials, and personnel required for operations and support.

Life cycle


IEC 60300-1:2014 ED3


IEC 60300-1:2024 ED4
60.60 Standard published
11 qer 2024

National adoptions

Administrimi i besueshmërisë - Pjesa 1: Udhëzim për menaxhimin dhe aplikimin

10.99 New project approved

DPS/KT 3 më tepër