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IEC TR 63463:2024 ED1

Life extension guidelines for HVDC converter stations
9 jan 2024

General information

60.60     9 jan 2024


TC 115

Technical Report

29.020     29.240.10  




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IEC TR 63463:2024 provides guidelines for the general procedure for performing life assessment for an HVDC converter station. Following this, a more detailed description of performance issues of the thyristor based HVDC systems is given and the life assessment measures of equipment and guidelines for accessing the techno-economic life of equipment are given. This document also deals with information for specification of refurbishing HVDC system and the testing of the refurbished and replaced equipment. Lastly, this document outlines environmental issues and regulatory issues involved in the life assessment and concludes with a financial analysis of the refurbishment options.

Life cycle


IEC TR 63463:2024 ED1
60.60 Standard published
9 jan 2024


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