IEC 62321-12:2023 specifies a reference test method for the simultaneous determination of polybrominated biphenyls, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, and four phthalates: di-isobutyl phthalate (DIBP), di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP), benzylbutyl phthalate (BBP), di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) in polymers of electrotechnical products.
The extraction technique described in this document is the ultrasonic-assisted extraction used for simultaneous extraction for sample preparation.
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is considered as the reference technique for the measurement of the simultaneous determination of analytes in the range of 25 mg;kg to 2 000 mg;kg.
The test method using ultrasonic-assisted extraction followed by GC-MS detection has been evaluated by the tests of polypropylene (PP), polyvinylchloride (PVC), acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), acrylate rubber (ACM), polystyrene (PS), polyurethane (PU) and polyethylene (PE) materials.
This document has the status of a horizontal publication in accordance with IEC Guide 108.
IEC 62321-12:2023 ED1
Standard published
10 mar 2023
Përcaktimi i substancave të caktuara në produktet elektroteknike - Pjesa 12: Përcaktimi i njëkohshëm - Bifenilet e polibrominuara, eteret difenil të polibrominuar dhe ftalatet në polimere me anë të kromatografisë së gazit - spektrometria e masës
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