IEC 60335-2-95:2019 deals with the safety of electric drives for garage doors for residential use that open and close in a vertical direction, the rated voltage of the drives being not more than 250 V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for other appliances. It also covers the hazards associated with the movement of these electrically driven garage doors. The drive can be supplied with a garage door. This standard also applies to entrapment protection devices for use with drives. It does not cover hazards related to the mechanisms of the door itself. As far as is practicable, this standard deals with the common hazards presented by appliances that are encountered by all persons in and around the home. However, in general, it does not take into account playing with the appliance by young children, but recognizes that children may be in the vicinity of the garage door. Attention is drawn to the fact that in many countries additional requirements are specified by the national authorities responsible for the protection of labour and similar authorities.
This standard does not apply to drives
- for shutters, awnings, blinds and similar equipment (IEC 60335-2-97);
- for gates, doors and windows (IEC 60335-2-103);
- for commercial and industrial purposes;
- intended to be used in locations where special conditions prevail, such as the presence of a corrosive or explosive atmosphere (dust, vapour or gas).
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2011, Amendment 1: 2015 and Amendment 2:2017. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) the text has been aligned with edition 5.2 of Part 1;
b) reference to IEC 60335-2-97 and IEC 60335-2-103 has been revised to correctly state their titles (Clause 1);
c) specific instruction statements have been revised to separate them from information to be provided (7.12);
d) the compliance criteria for the tests of 19.11.2 and 19.11.3 has been modified (19.13);
e) the tests for class III appliances and parts of class III constructions have been modified (25.8, 25.15).
This part 2 is to be used in conjunction with the latest edition of IEC 60335-1 and its amendments. It was established on the basis of the fifth edition (2010) of that standard.
IEC 60335-2-95:2011 ED3
IEC 60335-2-95:2011/AMD1:2015 ED3
IEC 60335-2-95:2011/AMD2:2017 ED3
IEC 60335-2-95:2019 ED4
Withdrawal effective
15 dhj 2023
IEC 60335-2-95:2023 ED5
Pajisje shtëpiake dhe pajisje elektrike të ngjashme me to - Siguria - Pjesa 2-95: Kërkesa te veçanta për transmisionet për lëvizjen vertikale të dyerve të garazhit për përdorim shtëpiak
60.60 Standard published