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IEC 61788-4:2020 ED5

Superconductivity - Part 4: Residual resistance ratio measurement - Residual resistance ratio of Nb-Ti and Nb<sub>3</sub>Sn composite superconductors
20 mar 2020

General information

60.60     20 mar 2020


TC 90

International Standard

17.220.20     29.050  




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IEC 61788-4:2020 specifies a test method for the determination of the residual resistance ratio (RRR) of Nb-Ti and Nb3Sn composite superconductors with Cu, Cu-Ni, Cu/Cu-Ni and Al matrix in a strain-free condition and zero external magnetic field. This method is intended for use with superconductor specimens that have a monolithic structure with rectangular or round cross-section, RRR value less than 350, and cross-sectional area less than 3 mm2. In the case of Nb3Sn, the specimens have received a reaction heat-treatment. This fifth edition cancels and replaces the fourth edition published in 2016. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) change in the suitable distance of voltage taps on the specimen for reliable measurement,
b) new report on the result of the round robin test of the residual resistance ratio of Nb3Sn superconductors that proves the validity of the measurement method in this standard,
c) revision of the confusing definitions of the copper ratio and copper fraction.

Life cycle


IEC 61788-4:2016 ED4


IEC 61788-4:2020 ED5
60.60 Standard published
20 mar 2020