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SSH EN 82045-1:2001

Menaxhimi i dokumentit - Pjesa 1: Parimet dhe metodat

Document management - Part 1: Principles and methods
20 qer 2005

General information

60.60     1 jan 2005


DPS/KT 304

European Norm

01.110     35.240.01  




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Specifies principles and methods to define metadata for the management of documents associated with objects throughout their life cycle; This cycle generally covers a range from the conceptual idea of a document to its deletion. The established principles and methods are basic for all document management systems. This part is intended as a general basic standard in all application fields and provides the framework applicable for part 2. International Standard 82045 is primarily intended as a resource for the use in computerised systems such as Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS) or Product Data Management Systems (PDMS) for the management, retrieval, storage and selection and archiving of documents, and as a basis for the exchange of documents.

Life cycle


SSH EN 82045-1:2001
60.60 Standard published
1 jan 2005

Related project

Adopted from EN 82045-1:2001

Adopted from IEC 82045-1 Ed. 1.0 b