The Technical Specification will be adapted in the following way:
• OJP will be realigned with the latest Transmodel version and NeTEx issues, where appropriate (e.g.
New Modes)
• The integration of new modes especially the conceptual equivalency to major multi-modal standards
shall be studied and if necessary, adaptions to OJP occur. The idea is to study OSDM, TOMP, TRIAS
and GBFS/GOFS. The interactions should be smooth. Interaction between OJP and distribution
features will be settled.
• OJP is extended as far into the distribution area as it is considered a good idea. For the actual
booking and purchase steps, OSDM, TOMP, TRIAS and/or GOFS are to be used. The line we think to
draw is: booking. OJP should not transfer personalized information. This results in the following
proposed adaptions to fit OJP into a full MaaS roaming environment:
o An availability request (with response)
o Token/id handling for trips and trip legs (for hand-over) and pushed information during trips. We will
need to model bookable items on some level.
o OJPFare needs to be extended/adapted.
o TripInfoRequest and -Response need to be updated to reflect, information about trips and trip legs
and not only vehicle and journey.
• All work prepared under the heading OJP 1.1 will be finalised.
• EPIAP (Accessibility) minimal profile will be used to verify that the trip planning can make use of it.
• The provision of an OpenAPI and REST/JSON derived directly from the XSD shall be studied
(eventually using a converter).
Directives related to this standards.
Direktiva 2010/40/EU e Parlamentit Europian dhe e Këshillit të datës 7 korrik 2010 në kuadrin e vendosjes së sistemeve të transportit Inteligjente në fushën e transportit rrugor dhe përballjes me mënyrat e tjera të Tekst transportit me EEA
DS CEN/TS 17118:2017
prDS CEN/TS 17118:2024
DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks
10 shk 2025
Vetëm seksionet informative të projekteve janë në dispozicion të publikut. Për të parë përmbajtjen e plotë, do t'ju duhet të krijoni një llogari. Nëse jeni anëtar, ju lutemi hyni në llogarinë tuaj duke klikuar në butonin "Identifikohu".