This European Standard gives guidance on the assessment and the selection of procedures for treatment of waste process microorganisms from biotechnological plant to ensure the safety of people and environment. This European Standard applies to wastes and effluents (solid, liquid and gaseous) emitted from biotechnological processes which include traditional processes such as brewing or food processing, fermentation of pharmaceutical and chemical products as well as biotechnological processes for environmental and agricultural application.
Directives related to this standards.
Lëshimi i qëllimshëm ndaj mjedisit të organizmave të modifikuar gjenetikisht
Përmbajtja e përdorimit të mikroorganizmave të modifikuar gjenetikisht
Mbrojtja e punonjësve nga rreziqet që kanë lidhje me agjentët biologjikë në punë
SSH EN 12461:2005
Standard published
1 jan 2005