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SSH EN 12896-7:2019

Transporti publik - Modeli i references për të dhënat – Pjesa 7: Menaxhimi I drajverit

Public transport - Reference data model - Part 7: Driver management
21 maj 2020

General information

60.60     21 maj 2020


DPS/KT 224

Pure national standard





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1.1 General Scope of the Standard
The main objective of the present standard is to present the Reference Data Model for Public Transport, based on:
- the Reference Data Model, EN 12896, known as Transmodel V5.1;
- EN 28701:2012, Intelligent transport systems - Public transport - Identification of Fixed Objects in Public Transport (IFOPT), although note that this particular standard has been withdrawn as it is now included within Parts 1 and 2 of this European Standard (EN 12896-1:2016 and EN 12896-2:2016) following their successful publication;
incorporating the requirements of:
- EN 15531-1 to -3 and CEN/TS 15531-4 and -5: Public transport - Service interface for real-time information relating to public transport operations (SIRI);
- CEN/TS 16614-1 and -2: Public transport - Network and Timetable Exchange (NeTEx), in particular the specific needs for long distance train operation.
Particular attention is drawn to the data model structure and methodology:
- the data model is described in a modular form in order to facilitate the understanding and the use of the model;
- the data model is entirely described in UML.
The following functional domains are considered:
- Network Description: routes, lines, journey patterns, timing patterns, service patterns, scheduled stop points and stop places;
- Timing Information and Vehicle Scheduling (runtimes, vehicle journeys, day type-related vehicle schedules);
- Passenger Information (planned and real-time);
- Fare Management (fare structure, sales, validation, control);
- Operations Monitoring and Control: operating day-related data, vehicle follow-up, control actions;
- Driver Management:
- Driver Scheduling (day-type related driver schedules),
- Rostering (ordering of driver duties into sequences according to some chosen methods),
- Driving Personnel Disposition (assignment of logical drivers to physical drivers and recording of driver performance);
- Management Information and Statistics (including data dedicated to service performance indicators).
The data modules dedicated to cover most functions of the above domains will be specified.
Several concepts are shared by the different functional domains. This data domain is called "Common Concepts".
1.2 Functional Domain Description
The different functional domains (enumerated above) taken into account in the present document, and of which the data have been represented as the reference model, are described in EN 12896-1, Public transport - Reference data model - Part 1: Common concepts.
1.3 Particular Scope of this Document
The present document entitled Public transport - Reference data model - Part 7: Driver management incorporates the following data packages:
- Driver Scheduling;
- Personnel Disposition;
- Driver Control Actions.
This document itself is composed of the following parts:
- Main document (normative) presenting the data model for the concepts shared by the different domains covered by Transmodel,
- Annex A (normative), containing the data dictionary, i.e. the list of all the concepts and attribute tables present in the main document together with the definitions,
- Annex B (normative), providing a complement to EN 12896-1:2016, particularly useful for Parts 4 to 8 of the Public Transport Reference Data Model; and
- Annex C (informative), indicating the data model evolutions.

Related directives

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Direktiva 2010/40/EU e Parlamentit Europian dhe e Këshillit të datës 7 korrik 2010 në kuadrin e vendosjes së sistemeve të transportit Inteligjente në fushën e transportit rrugor dhe përballjes me mënyrat e tjera të Tekst transportit me EEA


Life cycle


SSH EN 12896-7:2019
60.60 Standard published
21 maj 2020

Related project

Adopted from EN 12896-7:2019


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