This document specifies and defines component facets supporting the exchange and shared use of data and information in the field of traffic and travel.
The component facets include the framework and context for exchanges, the modelling approach, data content, data structure and relationships.
This document is applicable to:
- traffic and travel information which is of relevance to road networks (non-urban and urban),
- public transport information that is of direct relevance to the use of a road network (e.g. road link via train or ferry service),
- traffic and travel information in the case of Cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS).
This document establishes specifications for data exchange between any two instances of the following actors:
- Traffic Information Centres (TICs),
- Traffic Control Centres (TCCs),
- Service Providers (SPs),
Use of this document can be applicable for use by other actors.
This document covers, at least, the following types of informational content:
- road traffic event information - planned and unplanned occurrences both on the road network and in the surrounding environment,
- operator-initiated actions,
- road traffic measurement data, status data, and travel time data,
- travel information relevant to road users, including weather and environmental information,
- road traffic management information and instructions relating to use of the road network.
This document specifies the informational structures, relationships, roles, attributes and associated data types required for publishing situation traffic and travel information within the DATEX II framework. This is specified as a DATEX II Situation Publication sub-model which is part of the DATEX II platform independent model, but this part excludes those elements that relate to:
- location information which are specified in FprEN 16157 2;
- common information elements, which are specified in EN 16157 7.
Directives related to this standards.
Direktiva 2010/40/EU e Parlamentit Europian dhe e Këshillit të datës 7 korrik 2010 në kuadrin e vendosjes së sistemeve të transportit Inteligjente në fushën e transportit rrugor dhe përballjes me mënyrat e tjera të Tekst transportit me EEA
DS CEN/TS 16157-3:2011
SSH EN 16157-3:2018
Standard published
30 jan 2019