This standard is applicable to all vacuum pumps, vacuum pump combinations and vacuum pumping systems. The standard lists the significant hazards associated with vacuum pumps and specifies safety requirements applicable to the design, installation, operation, maintenance and dismantling of vacuum pumps during their foreseeable life and subsequent disposal. The scope does not include pumps designed to pump continuously on open systems where the pump inlet pressure is above 75 kPa (750 mbar) absolute, (i.e. vacuum cleaners, ventilation fans). Vacuum pumps intended for use in special applications shall also comply with any specific standards relating to those applications.
Directives related to this standards.
Makineria - Siguria e makinerisë: kërkesa thelbësore të përgjithshme të shëndetit dhe sigurisë
Të harmonizuara
SSH EN 1012-2:2000
Withdrawal of Standard
28 qer 2010
SSH EN 1012-2:1996+A1:2009