This European Standard applies to natural smoke and heat exhaust ventilators (NSHEV) operating as part of smoke and heat exhaust systems (NSHEVS), placed on the market. This standard specifies requirements and gives test methods for natural smoke and heat exhaust ventilators which are intended to be installed in smoke and heat control systems in buildings.
Directives related to this standards.
Rregullorja (BE) Nr. 305/2011 e Parlamentit Evropian dhe e Këshillit e datës 9 Mars 2011 që parashtron kushtet e harmonizuara për tregtimin e produkteve të ndërtimit dhe shfuqizimin e Direktivës së Këshillit KEE/89/106
SSH EN 12101-2:2005
SSH EN 12101-2:2017
Standard published
3 gush 2017