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SSH ISO 10957:2009

Informacion dhe dokumentacion - Numri ndërkombëtar standard i muzikës (ISMN)

Information and documentation — International standard music number (ISMN)
22 sht 2017
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   25 nën 2024

General information

95.99     25 nën 2024


DPS/KT 304

International Standard





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ISO 10957:2009 specifies the International standard music number (ISMN), which is a means of uniquely identifying editions of notated music. It specifies the assignment of a unique ISMN on such editions so as to distinguish one edition of a title or one separate component of an edition from all other editions. ISO 10957:2009 also specifies the construction of an ISMN and its location on editions of notated music.
ISO 10957:2009 is applicable to editions of notated music. The ISMN can also be used to identify editions of notated music that are presented with other media to form an integrated whole (e.g. an edition that, together with a sound recording, forms a single product).
The ISMN is not suitable for the identification of material in other media that are issued separately, such as sound or audiovisual products (e.g. CDs or DVDs), for which other standards such as ISO 3901 (International Standard Recording Code) and ISO 15706 (International Standard Audiovisual Number) are applicable.
The ISMN is not suitable for the identification of the products themselves (CDs or DVDs), for which the European article numbering (EAN) 13-digit bar code can be used.

Life cycle


SSH ISO 10957:2008


SSH ISO 10957:2009
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
25 nën 2024


SSH ISO 10957:2021

Related project

Adopted from ISO 10957:2009